Monday, October 27, 2008

FUEL Companies Profit Grab

What exactly is going on here in Australia where we are still paying upwards of $1.40 per litre of fuel? Forget the excise tax, forget the GST component!!

The barrel has dropped significantly over the last few months and the fuel companies are slow to pass on these drops even though their margins won't be affected. Is this a pure profit grab and are the fuel companies just extending the margin gain by slowing down the decrease in fuel prices??? Absolutely!!

What are the consumer watch dogs doing?? Not a great deal!! I think the world is too busy worrying about the financial crisis and the fuel companies are using this diversion to keep on putting additional profit margin in their pockets.

The difference that 10 or 20 cents a litre makes to a family budget is substantial over a period of time and can help lower the cost of living for all people!!

What I'm concerned about here too is that due to higher fuel prices over the last 12 months of more the price of basic food items has risen too. My question is, will the supermarket chains begin to pass on any savings to the consumer when fuel prices do fall or will they too get caught up in the profit margin grab just like the fuel companies??

You tell me, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure this one out. Let me know what you think people.....

1 comment:

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