Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rudd on Taxing up the Big Wigs

Only a few days ago did Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announce that the government will be reviewing highly paid executives who are earning over 1m per annum. You need to ask the question, what the hell is this actually going to achieve?

Aside from the obvious revenue implications for the government coffers what is this going to do to stave off the recession we are already in?? Absolutely nothing!!

This is a fantastic vote grab for the PM and has touched the hearts of middle and lower class Australians who all suffer from tall poppy syndrome. 'Why the heck should this rich bloke get taxed the same way as others, it's not fair, it's not the Australian way' are the screams heard from the masses!

In essence the PM is saying that theres really no point in aspiring to earn this kind of money because you will be penalised for it anyway. What's the message that's being spruiked here? Should we all just remain in the middle income bracket and be average Jo's just to satisfy the masses and not get hit with a higher tax rate?

Is the PM advocating mediocrity for Australia? I for one do not earn this kind of money but damn it if I'd worked my way through the ranks for years only to penalised for me expertise in a chosen field I'd be rather pissed about it all!

Check out this blog for more info on the PM and the actions of the Australian Government.

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